Tuesday, September 3, 2013


My toddler is not a fan of being wrapped.  She knows that it's non-negotiable in some situations, like when we have to park a ways off at events or in bad weather, but she definitely doesn't like being wrapped at home!  She is far too busy for being restrained!  Sometimes I can bribe her into trying new carries with her paci or a special treat after, then she gets all excited and finally consents.  Just because she doesn't like to be wrapped on me, doesn't mean she's not a fan of wrapping!  Every day, she asks to go snugabug (her words for "snug as a bug") and picks a different wrap for her mood.

Wraps are great play toys and food for imagination!  Not only does it help break them in, but it helps justify the cost for me.  One of P's favourites is "Red Riding Hood" and she'll play it for hours.  "Make me a hood mama!" "Where's my riding hood mama???"  Then she runs around the house and pretends that baby sister is the big bad wolf, "No catch me Evahlee!  Eeeeeeek!"

This busy little toddler is also not a fan of naps...  She hasn't napped regularly since E was born (I would lay down and nurse her to sleep) and some days that can be hard!  There's been a few days where she'll be playing in her pack n play and fall asleep, but this was one of my favourite crash naps.  The handsome husband is pretty much the only one who wears Erna right now, so I like to keep it out for P to play with and make me feel better that it's getting used frequently.  One day she decided she needed the wrap and hauled it over to the couch.  I thought she'd climb up on the couch and play with it, but no!  She decided she was going to just play on the floor in front of the couch.  "Sleep now!"  Wiggle wiggle wiggle... "Wrap me mama!!!"  *I cover her up from head to toe* "Thank you!"  I wrapped the very cranky E up and started walking around to put her to sleep.  Once she had settled down, I noticed it was suspiciously quiet...  *Peek under coffee table* P was out like a light!  Wraps even come with sleepy dust without having to be worn!

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