Friday, September 6, 2013

Mommy Daughter Dates

My girls are best friends, but I still feel it's important to have some one on one time with my oldest!  Her favourite activity is going to the park and she loves to play in the sand.  Every day she asks if we're going to the beach (she remembers that best from our vacation in July) and always wants to bring her bucket and shovels to make sandcastles.  I think she could stay there from the time she woke up til she passed out from sheer exhaustion! 

This Wednesday, little sister E fell asleep right before we got ready for our playdate at the park.  My husband was home sick that day and I left little E napping while we went off on our own little adventure!  The local mamas that go to our church started the weekly playgroup again and we decided to give it a shot.  Unfortunately, Pippi's only friend moved and there is no one her age, so she didn't have a the best time while the other kids where there...  So I told my husband we'd be later than expected and let P stay as long as my allergies would allow. 

We had a blast!  We went up and down the slides, "climbed" the tree next to the picnic table, made pretend birthday cakes, and took a bunch of pictures.  The time together was great for both of us and I hope we can keep having opportunities to enjoy each others company for many years to come!

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