Thursday, February 26, 2015

Post Revision Day 3

All the liquid stitch has fallen off, that was the only thing causing me pain. Today it feels quite a bit more swollen and stiff. I am stretching it all different ways and that really helps! I had a start of a migraine (need to get into a cst asap!), but it was easily taken care of with Motrin. That never happens! My swallowing has changed and my tongue no longer thrusts. When I yawn, my tongue elevates as well. All good signs! Hopefully getting rid of the tongue thrust at rest will happen soon too

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Day 2 After Revision

I was feeling like my lift was not as high as immediately after revision, but it seems like it's more that I can open my jaw a ton wider! I know I won't be able to keep full motion compared to immediately after release (scar tissue, etc), I just need to be less paranoid. There was also more pain in my tongue today, but that has completely resolved now that the liquid stitch type covering has fallen off during dinner. I plan on waking several times tonight to stretch my tongue just in case. My lip is healing nicely and rarely bothers me. Stretching it actually feels good! My husband is impressed with its range of motion and wants me to check his now... I'm fairly confident he escaped the tongue tie (his entire family is tied), but haven't fully examined him. 

Before the purple stuff flaked off

There was some asymmetrical restrict today, but that's resolved with the removal of the purple covering

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Revision: The Day After

I feel like my lift isn't as much as it was yesterday, but no signs of reattachment and I'll keep stretching it during the day. I was expecting it, as I now scar tissue and the swelling (plus normal slight reattachment as it heals). No pain! My lip feels a bit swollen and slightly uncomfortable if I move it side to side, but I feel like it's more the purple stuff starting to flake off or stick. I think I'm going to do some sweeps on it just in case. This is also the first night I've slept with my tongue on the roof of my mouth! While awake, I still tongue thrust, but in a drowsy state my tongue naturally kept in the appropriate place without feeling like it was folded in half.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Good by tongue tie!

I've been wanting to get my posterior tongue tie revised for quite some time and finally got the chance! Dr Richter in Lehi, UT will revise adults and he did an amazing job on my youngest daughter. So we made an appointment and got it done today! He revised by laser with a topical numbing gel. It didn't hurt at all and I could feel a slight irritation of the laser as he got deeper within my tongue. I could immediate feel my shoulders just relax as soon as he started. He said it just opened up a ton. We also did my lower lip and I feel like I can finally close my mouth without stretching my lips over my teeth. Swallowing is different and even with a numb tongue, speaking is less of an effort. I can touch the top of my mouth with it open too!

Evening update: Even though he used a special substance (forgot to ask the name, I was on Xanax...) that is supposed to prevent reattachment, I still lift my tongue as far up and back as I can several times an hour. Keeping the mobility and prevention of scar tissue is important. It's swelling a bit and I think of like a bit of ibuprofen overnight for when I'm not keeping it stretched out. Eating and drinking normally however! My husband said that my hump back has lessened noticeably and my speech is a bit clearer. I am able to talk and read aloud to my children without tripping over my tongue! I was already anticipating having to get the help of a speech therapist and myofunctional therapist to help retrain my tongue anyway. Stay tuned for updates! 

Tongue lift before

Tongue lift after

Before pictures

After pictures